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HomeCode of Conduct

Code of Conduct

Always be friendly and courteous to those in a lifestyle club; especially those that you are interested in playing with. These people can be new to the lifestyle or old pros but each deserves your full respect.

1. Keep the innuendos and play talk to a minimum. It doesn’t matter if you are in an adult lifestyle club, be aware of how you present yourself. Foul language, pick-up lines, or innuendos that are obvious are not usually welcome in clubs and especially by new members. Save the play talk for a group or circle of friends who welcome that type of conversation.

2. Respect everyone. You may find yourself in a situation where you do not want to proceed with the arrangement. This is fully acceptable but you should be considerate of other people’s feelings by letting them know in a respectful and kind manner; a simple gesture of kindness can go a long way. This goes both ways as well. If you feel that the couple you are with is uncomfortable, be open to letting them move on without making them feel bad about their decision.

3. Keep it clean. Be aware of your own personal grooming. Persons with bad breath, body odor, or uncleanliness will have a hard time finding other partners or couples. So be Hygienic. Remember to bathe or shower before attending events.

4. Opening doors and peeking into rooms where couples are engaged in play is rude and highly frowned upon. If the door is closed, do not open it. If the members are okay with you watching, the curtain will be open.

5. Be neat and tidy. When you are done using an area, don’t forget to clean up after yourself. Dispose of condoms, wrappers, towelettes, etc. If something happens to make a mess and it's not easy to clean up, please inform someone from the staff.

6. Don’t get drunk. Excessive drinking is frowned upon in the lifestyle and a big no-no at events. Drink responsibly and in moderation so that you can enjoy yourself, have good memories, and can come back for more if you choose. We reserve the right to take away your alcohol if we see that you are drinking excessively. 

Every lifestyle club or event may have different rules but if you follow the outlined tips on common etiquette you could be well on your way to enjoying the lifestyle without offending anyone or breaking the rules.